«Freshman Week» Forestry
On October 21, 2020, as part of the «Freshman Week», 1st-year students of the Zhelezinsky agrarian and technical College visited «The Urlyutyubsky State Institution for the protection of forests and wildlife».
Prevention of coronavirus infection
On March 11, 2020, for students of the Zhelezinsky agricultural and technical College, specialists of the State Institution «Zhelezinsky district department of quality control and safety of goods and services» held a conversation on the topic: «Prevention of coronavirus infection», «Prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, tuberculosis».
«Freshman Week» library
On October 20, 2020, as part of the «Freshman Week», college librarian R.A. Zhamanbalinova and deputy for educational work A.K. Aplashova with 1st-year students visited the district museum of the village of Zhelezinka.
March 8th
On March 5, 2020, students of the Zhelezinsky agricultural and technical College held a festive concert dedicated to the day of March 8.